Saturday, November 26, 2016

Creating a fixed length blank(spaces) string and padding others with spaces in powershell

Powershell has clever ways to create an empty string or string array that can then be increased in size. And then I need a fixed length empty string. Why? I need to create a file where each line is composed by fields which are position dependent. So I need to pad between the fields with blank spaces.

After searching for quite a while I found Ethan's reply on the bottom of thread on limiting a string to N characters. And it was so obvious I had to smack me on the head: if you want to create a string called moo that contains nothing but 24 spaces, you can do it by typing

PS C:\> $moo = " "*24
PS C:\> $moo.length
PS C:\> 24

So let's do something useful with that then!

So the plan is to write a function that given the string that will be used in a given field and the field size, it will return a properly padded string. Now, I think we should also create a second function whose only goal in life is to create a string with N blank spaces. And then the other function can call this. Reason I propose this is in case we need to provide some extra blank spaces because the format of this file might be, well, rather silly. Planning ahead is always a smart move. So, we start with our blank string generating function, which will look very similar to the $moo example above:

function BlankString($size)
   return " "*$size

If we want to test that we can modify the moo example

$moo = BlankString(24)

Which should return 24 as before. So far so good. Now let's create a function that will return a properly padded field. Something like

function PadString($name, $stringSize)
   if($name.length -lt $stringSize)
      $name += BlankString ($stringSize - $name.length)
   return $name

looks like a good starting place. Let's try it out:

$noo = PadString "My Head hurts" 48
DebugLine "[$noo]"

Results in

[My Head hurts                                   ]

If you are curious, my DebugLine function looks like this

function DebugLine($OutputMessage)
   Write-Host $OutputMessage -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor yellow

The [ and ] are there just so we can see where the string, blank spaces included, begins and ends. If you do not like those characters, change them to something more remarkable, say ---> and <---

Now, what if the string we are trying to put in this new string is bigger than it can handle? This would be the opposite of padding the new string: we need to chop it. So, we modify our PadString function a bit:

function PadString($name, $stringSize)
   if($name.length -lt $stringSize)
      $name += BlankString ($stringSize - $name.length)
      $name = $name.Substring(0, $stringSize)
   return $name

So, if we redo the same test we did before, but this time we make our resulting string shorter,

$noo = PadString "My Head hurts" 8
DebugLine "[$noo]"

the result is now truncated

[My Head ]

And we can still create weird blank spaces using BlankString as needed to meet the file format requirments.

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