Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Uninstalling annoying packages using SCCM

It seems this week is Bad Windows Developer Week for me.

Do you remember that unnamed software package that forced me to create some crappy code to convert UTF-8 to ASCII7? Well, I do need to upgrade it. And plan on letting SCCM do most of the heavy lifting.

Now, sensible developers will make their upgrade package uninstall the old one by itself. Or maybe installed the packages using wmic so we can query them

and uninstall them

And then there are certain software installers that laugh at standards and place their packages wherever they feel like. In a previous article we talked about how to find how to uninstall those packages, so let's apply that knowledge here.

For this article we will create a windows batch file to uninstall the program. In a future article we will do the same using powershell. The command we will use to look into the registry is, surprisingly enough, reg query which needs to know the path in the registry

C:\Users\raub\dev> reg query "HKLM\software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Win
dows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Careless Client 12.3.4_r3" /v UninstallString

Careless Client version 12.3.4 r3
    UninstallString    REG_SZ    "C:\Windows\unins000.exe"


Here is what it looks like in a batch file:

@echo off

set _uninst_string=reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\
Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Careless Client version 12.3.4_r3" 
/v UninstallString

for /f "tokens=3" %%R in ('%_uninst_string% ^| find "C:"') do (set pickles=%%R)

rem pickles here is the command. To run it we might want to do something like
start /wait %pickles% /SILENT
Note: The set _uninst_string line ends at UninstallString; I just split it into 3 lines to make it easier to read it.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Get info on installed packages using Powershell (and maybe also WMIC)

Warning: Expect this article to be rather vague

From what I understand, when you install a program in Windows using some kind of installing package, it writes some info about the program in the registry. And that allows us to go to the control panel and see the program being listed there.

You are probably waiting for me to ask the question I seem to ask a lot here: Can we do it from command line? Good question! First candidate as the command of choice is wmic; it really allows you to get (and set) a lot of info about the computer. Let's use some examples to see what we can do: we shall begin by asking it which CPU we have

C:\Users\raub\dev> wmic cpu get name
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570T CPU @ 2.90GHz


Which bios version do we have?

C:\Users\raub\dev> wmic bios get version
LENOVO - 14b0

What about who made the motherboard?

C:\Users\raub\dev> wmic baseboard get manufacturer


From the previous command, we kinda expected this to be a Lenovo. So, let's call this verifying that we are in fact talking to a Lenovo. Now, would it tell us which motherboard is in the machine?

C:\Users\raub\dev> wmic baseboard get model


So it is hiding info from me. Bastard! Let's see what else we can find out about the motherboard then:

C:\Users\raub\dev> wmic baseboard get /?

Property get operations.

GET [<property list>] [<get switches>]
NOTE: <property list> ::= <property name> | <property name>,  <property list>

The following properties are available:
Property                                Type                    Operation
========                                ====                    =========
ConfigOptions                           N/A                     N/A
Depth                                   N/A                     N/A
Description                             N/A                     N/A
Height                                  N/A                     N/A
HostingBoard                            N/A                     N/A
HotSwappable                            N/A                     N/A
InstallDate                             N/A                     N/A
Manufacturer                            N/A                     N/A
Model                                   N/A                     N/A
Name                                    N/A                     N/A
OtherIdentifyingInfo                    N/A                     N/A
PartNumber                              N/A                     N/A
PoweredOn                               N/A                     N/A
Product                                 N/A                     N/A
Removable                               N/A                     N/A
Replaceable                             N/A                     N/A
RequirementsDescription                 N/A                     N/A
RequiresDaughterBoard                   N/A                     N/A
SKU                                     N/A                     N/A
SerialNumber                            N/A                     N/A
SlotLayout                              N/A                     N/A
SpecialRequirements                     N/A                     N/A
Status                                  N/A                     N/A
Tag                                     N/A                     N/A
Version                                 N/A                     N/A
Weight                                  N/A                     N/A
Width                                   N/A                     N/A

The following GET switches are available:

/VALUE                       - Return value.
/ALL(default)                - Return the data and metadata for the attribute.
/TRANSLATE:<table name>      - Translate output via values from <table name>.
/EVERY:<interval> [/REPEAT:<repeat count>] - Returns value every (X interval) seconds, If /REPEAT specified the command
is executed <repeat count> times.
/FORMAT:<format specifier>   - Keyword/XSL filename to process the XML results.

NOTE: Order of /TRANSLATE and /FORMAT switches influences the appearance of output.
Case1: If /TRANSLATE precedes /FORMAT, then translation of results will be followed by formatting.
Case2: If /TRANSLATE succeeds /FORMAT, then translation of the formatted results will be done.

PS C:\Users\mtavares\dev>

From the above, we could run

wmic baseboard get /all

to see all the properties and their current values. It does not look very pretty unless you format it (option /FORMAT), but you can see it has a lot of potential. In fact, here is a list of other interesting queries you can do in wmic.

All that is great, but what about packages since that is the subject of this article? Another very good question. Let's pick an example from the control panel and see if we can find it using wmic. The example I will use is the TightVNC, whose publisher is GlavSoft LLC:

C:\Users\raub> wmic product where "vendor like '%%glav%%'" get name


Real life example

It is real life but I changed the name to protect the guilty

Let's try it with a program I am interested on. We use a program called Careless Data, which is produced by Cargo Cult Development. According to the control panel, it consists of the following packages:

  • Careless Client: The program the users run to connect to the Careless Server.
  • Careless Data: Data from Careless Server that is temporarily stored in an unencrypted flat file.
  • Careless Upgrades: The upgrade package that brought it to version 12.3.4 r3. Well, the Careless Client binary was also upgraded.
  • Careless Dependencies: Support libraries for the Careless Client. It is actually seen as two distinct packages, CarelessDependencies and CarelessDependenciesMSI

Let's see if we can find all those packages using wmic:

C:\Users\raub>  wmic product where "vendor like '%%cargo%%'" get name


Houston we have a problem: three out of five the packages are missing. What is going on here?

Enter Powershell

So I got annoyed and decided to go back to what I know more: Powershell. Short version (this article is getting long): I knew the information about installed packages was in HKLM:\Software, so I searched for a few installed packages and found some info in

  • HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
  • HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\U‌​ninstall

Here is an example

PS C:\Users\raub> get-itemproperty -path 'HKLM:\software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{09DA5EE2-7E46-4DC4-96F9-BFEE50D40659}' 

PSPath       : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{09DA5EE2-7E46-4DC4-96F9-BFEE50D40659}
PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
PSChildName  : {09DA5EE2-7E46-4DC4-96F9-BFEE50D40659}
PSDrive      : HKLM
PSProvider   : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry
DisplayName  : Citrix Online Launcher

PS C:\Users\raub>

I know I did not show it above but one of the attributes we can get, besides PSPath and DisplayName, is UninstallString. so, I think we could write a script that would search those paths for programs and fetch for some attributes. Let's use the vendor name as the search criteria:


$locations = ("software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall", "software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVer
$count = 0

foreach ($location in $locations)
   foreach ($obj in (get-childitem "hklm:\$location" | get-itemproperty | where {$_.publisher -match $vendor} ))
      write-host "Name: $($obj.displayname)"
      write-host "   PSChildName: $($obj.PSChildName)"
      write-host "   PSPath $($obj.PSPath)"
      write-host "   Publisher: $($obj.Publisher)"
      write-host "   Version: $($obj.DisplayVersion)"
      write-host "   BuildVersion: $($obj.Version)"
      write-host "   UninstallString: $($obj.UninstallString)"


write-host "Done"
write-host " $($count) entries found"

Now let's see what we can find about our careless program:

.\findinstalledprogram.ps1 cargo
Name: Careless Client 12.3.4
   PSChildName: Careless Client 12.3.4_r3
   PSPath Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Careless Client 12.3.4_r3
   Publisher: CargoCultDevelopment LLC.
   UninstallString: "C:\Windows\unins000.exe"
Name: CarelessDependenciesMSI
   PSChildName: {45B39321-107B-4F40-A7DC-A4CB4BFC3051}
   PSPath Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{45B39321-107B-4F40-A7DC-A4CB4BFC3051}
   Publisher: CargoCultDevelopment
   Version: 1.00.0000
   BuildVersion: 16777216
   UninstallString: MsiExec.exe /I{45B39321-107B-4F40-A7DC-A4CB4BFC3051}
Name: CarelessDependencies
   PSChildName: {4509C469-6B21-4999-BE60-3449EE7B6EDF}
   PSPath Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{4509C469-6B21-4999-BE60-3449EE7B6EDF}
   Publisher: LLC
   Version: 1.00.0000
   BuildVersion: 16777216
   UninstallString: MsiExec.exe /I{4509C469-6B21-4999-BE60-3449EE7B6EDF}
Name: CarelessUpgrades
   PSChildName: {E20A19AD-27C1-4F59-AED2-A04636BD2575}
   PSPath Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{E20A19AD-27C1-4F59-AED2-A04636BD2575}
   Publisher: CargoCultDevelopment LLC.  
   Version: 12.3.4
   BuildVersion: 167772240
   UninstallString: MsiExec.exe /I{E20A19AD-27C1-4F59-AED2-A04636BD2575}
Name: CarelessData 12.3.4 r3
   PSChildName: {EA737DCD-71C9-4a06-97B5-BB2D4EE45564}_r3
   PSPath Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{EA737DCD-71C9-4a06-97B5-BB2D4EE45564}_r3
   Publisher: CargoCultDevelopment, LLC
   UninstallString: "C:\Program Files (x86)\CargoCultDevelopment\unins000.exe"
 5 entries found

Back to WMIC and why you should not use it

Let's revisit using wmic again.

What is happening is that our syntax is using a WMI class, Win32_Product, that only displays products installed using Windows Installer. Now, we really should not be using Win32_Product because querying Win32_Product is quite dangerous because every time you run a query (wmic product is really a macro to wmic "select * from Win32_Product"), it will cause a consistency check of all the packages installed, leading to it trying to be helpful and trying to verify and repair the install. And that opens the door to some corruption. Microsoft suggests to use Win32reg_AddRemovePrograms, which may not show everything from wmic.

Bottom line, wmic is great but looking for package info is better done by Powershell.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Poor Man's Downconverting UTF-8 to ASCII7 in powershell

I will warn you this is really lousy and inelegant code. But I needed something quick. I will also warn that this was going to be focus primarily on doing the UTF-8 to ASCII7 conversion, but it went a bit sideways with me learning something new about Powershell. If you feel a bit disappointed, oh well.

I will do my best take the high road and not bitch and make snide comments about a certain software company whose product caused me to write this script. However, after rereading this article I think I failed miserably. You have been warned!

The Problem

So, I am dealing with yet a not so bright piece of software. Specifically, one that has a database whose fields for usernames, addresses, and even phone numbers and such things assume that those users are all living in the United States and have names like Bob or Sue or John or Travis (OK, maybe not that one since it has two syllables) who lived in towns like Cleveland or Tampa. This vendor developed the code in early 2000(!) hoping it would never have to deal with umlauts and accents and other characters. Probably they did that to save space since an ASCII7-only DB field is smaller than a UTF-aware one. Imagine how much money they would make their customers save on storage!

Then someone told their customers that there are lands past the dragons and the turtles, where strange people with mysterious habits and incomprehensible languages roam.

Like Sweden.

Imagine how shocked they were when now their software had to deal with names like Фёдор, Ljungström, Simón, 宮崎, and Häyhä and towns like Malmö. To address that, in 1987 a formal work group, which later became the Unicode Consortium was formed and, anfter much head-smacking, released its first version in 1991. Unfortunately, someone failed to mention that to this company. Fear not, however, for they were not the first and will not be the last to develop their code in ASCII and then realize they have to support other languages.

This is all nice and all, but we feed data to this program as text files. Which is in UTF-8 format since it contains people and places with names using non-ASCII characters. And as a result the database gets very unhappy.

The Solution

I called them to see if they had plan on supporting Unicode in the future. And they replied. Bottom line is they will not change their code to handle Unicode. So, if we are going to use this program we need to massage the input data.

As many times before in many different operating systems, if we are going to do this, it better be doable using some kind of scripting language. Being this Windows my language of choice will once again be Powershell. Before we write a single line of code, let's do something dangerously subversive and think about what we need to do.

  1. We need to detect the non-ASCII characters. Specifically we are talking about the characters that are not within the original 7bit ASCII (characters 0 to 127 in decimal, or 0x00 and 0x7F respectively in hexadecimal) table; we talked a bit before about detecting different files formats. From there we know the UTF-8 characters we are looking for are represented by a pair: "ö" has a UTF8 Hex of 0xc3b6. Do note both characters > 0x7F.

  2. Once we detect said character pair, we need to do something with them. We are going to convert them into a single or a combination of characters, and that is where it gets interesting. Take our friend ö: should it become o or oe? And the answer is it depends.

    Some countries came up with their own representation in ASCI7 of their non-ASCI7 characters. And they are not really universal. Also, if the import file uses some kind of fixed column formatting, we have to convert it to one single character. This is really not a coding problem; we can easily create a lookup table to replace the character. So I will just leave this here in the open for you to ponder deeply about. In this article we will cheat, and badly.

Let's talk about that cheating. Instead of bothering to do some proper converting, all we will do is replace the non-ASCII7 char pair with a single question mark (63 or 0x3F). This way, whoever sees the data will know we did something there and can (if they are the affected user) replace that "?" with whatever character they feel like. Talk about passing the hot potato around...

So, if we find a character whose decimal value is > 127, we can replace it with a "?" (decimal 63). Of course, being it UTF-8 the next character in the pair is also > 127. So, we need to replace the pair of characters with a single "?".

With that in mind, let's try coding that:


# Convert UTF-8 document into ASCII7
function UTF2ASCII($encoded)
   $oldi = ''
   $converted = ''

   foreach ($line in $encoded)
      # Convert each character in $line into a decimal number
      foreach($i in [int[]][char[]]$line)
         # 0 <= ASCII7 <= 127
         if ($i -gt 127)
            # KLUDGE: only change to "?" if previous char isn't.
            if ($oldi -ne 63)
               $i = 63
            { continue }
         $converted = $converted + [char]$i
         $oldi = $i


   return $converted

# Read in the contents of $infile and feed them to our function
UTF2ASCII(get-content $infile)

The if statements are the lousiest part of the code, specially the part that assumes if the previous char is "?" we must be dealing with the two-bit representation of the UTF-8 character; that is a rather tall assumption but I was in a hurry and could not think of an edge case. Now that I admitted my kludge, let's test it. The way you run this script is

utf2ascii.ps1 infile

which will output the modified text to the screen. If we want to save it into a file,

utf2ascii.ps1 infile > outfile

We also need a test file. I created it by gabbing a few paragraphs from the wikipedia page on the Automatgevär m/42 plus an extra line:


Ag m/42, kitaip AG42, AG-42 ar Ljungman (šved. Automatgevär m/42) – švediškas savitaisis šautuvas, nuo 1942 m. iki 7-ojo dešimtmečio naudotas Švedijos armijos.

Šautuvą 1941 m. sukonstravo Erikas Eklundas iš kompanijos AB C. J. Ljungmans Verkstäder (Malmė, Švedija). Juos gaminti 1942 m. ėmė kompanija Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori (Eskilstuna, Švedija). Švedijos armijai buvo pagaminta apie 30 000 Ag m/42. Tačiau šis šautuvas nebuvo pagrindinis Švedijos armijos šautuvas, juo buvo 6,5 mm pertaisomas šautuvas Mauser m/96.

Po kurio laiko buvo aptikti kai kurie šautuvo trūkumai (pvz., dujų vamzdelio rūdijimas), todėl 1953–1956 Švedijos armijos šautuvai Ag m/42 buvo modernizuoti ir pavadinti Ag m/42B. Modernizaciniai pakeitimai:

cat utftest.txt | wc -l (yes it is Linux, sue me) tells me that file is 7 lines long. So, let's run it and see what happens.

$ utf2ascii.ps1 infile

Ag m/42, kitaip AG42, AG-42 ar Ljungman (?ved. Automatgev?r m/42) ? ?vedi?kas s
avitaisis ?autuvas, nuo 1942 m. iki 7-ojo de?imtme?io naudotas ?vedijos armijos

?autuv? 1941 m. sukonstravo Erikas Eklundas i? kompanijos AB C. J. Ljungmans Ve
rkst?der (Malm?, ?vedija). Juos gaminti 1942 m. ?m? kompanija Carl Gustafs Stad
s Gev?rsfaktori (Eskilstuna, ?vedija). ?vedijos armijai buvo pagaminta apie 30
000 Ag m/42. Ta?iau ?is ?autuvas nebuvo pagrindinis ?vedijos armijos ?autuvas,
juo buvo 6,5 mm pertaisomas ?autuvas Mauser m/96.

Po kurio laiko buvo aptikti kai kurie ?autuvo tr?kumai (pvz., duj? vamzdelio r?
dijimas), tod?l 1953?1956 ?vedijos armijos ?autuvai Ag m/42 buvo modernizuoti i
r pavadinti Ag m/42B. Modernizaciniai pakeitimai:

Looks great, right? Not quite. Problem with the above code is the following line:

UTF2ASCII(get-content $infile)
It just tries to read the entire file into memory in one sitting and then passes all that to UTF2ASCII(). That works fine with small files, but we will be filling memory/swap space and maybe even running out of them if the file is big enough. And that is a bit of shooting ourselves in the foot. Let's rewrite it a bit by creating a second function, ConvertFile(), which reads the file line by line. This way we need not to care how large the file is.

$count = 0

function ConvertFile($encoded)
   $oldi = ''
   $converted = ''

   foreach ($line in $encoded)

function ConvertLine($line)
   foreach($i in [int[]][char[]]$line)
      if ($i -gt 127)
         if ($oldi -ne 63)
            $i = 63
         { continue }
      $converted = $converted + [char]$i
      $oldi = $i

   $converted = $converted + "`r`n"
   return $converted

ConvertFile(get-content $infile)
"$($count) characters were converted"

The $count global variable is just there to count how many times the script found and converted UTF-8 characters.

When we test the script with a large file, and found out we did solve the problem in the original code we mentioned above; you can try it out if you do not believe in me.

So, let's now do a few more tests.

$ utf2ascii.ps1 infile > outfile
$ cat outfile

Ag m/42, kitaip AG42, AG-42 ar Ljungman (?ved. Automatgev?r m/42) ? ?vedi?kas s
avitaisis ?autuvas, nuo 1942 m. iki 7-ojo de?imtme?io naudotas ?vedijos armijos

?autuv? 1941 m. sukonstravo Erikas Eklundas i? kompanijos AB C. J. Ljungmans Ve
rkst?der (Malm?, ?vedija). Juos gaminti 1942 m. ?m? kompanija Carl Gustafs Stad
s Gev?rsfaktori (Eskilstuna, ?vedija). ?vedijos armijai buvo pagaminta apie 30
000 Ag m/42. Ta?iau ?is ?autuvas nebuvo pagrindinis ?vedijos armijos ?autuvas,
juo buvo 6,5 mm pertaisomas ?autuvas Mauser m/96.

Po kurio laiko buvo aptikti kai kurie ?autuvo tr?kumai (pvz., duj? vamzdelio r?
dijimas), tod?l 1953?1956 ?vedijos armijos ?autuvai Ag m/42 buvo modernizuoti i
r pavadinti Ag m/42B. Modernizaciniai pakeitimai:
35 characters were converted

Yeah, the fact the line stating how many characters were converted is in the outfile is a drag, but I will survive. I really want to count the number of lines though:

$ cat outfile | wc -l


Now that was unexpected to me, specially coming from a Linux background. How did my 7 lines became 16? You see, we run the script as

utf2ascii.ps1 infile > outfile

Thing is, in Powershell the > will split a long line to the width of the console window we are using. I read the explanation quite a few times and still am not satisfied. But, since we need this code to work, time to change it one more time!

param($ifile, $ofile)
$count = 0

function ConvertFile($originalFile, $convertedFile)
   $oldi = ''
   $converted = ''
   rm $convertedFile -ea SilentlyContinue

   foreach ($line in (get-content -path $originalFile))
      ConvertLine($line) | `
      Out-File -Append -Encoding ASCII $ofile

function ConvertLine($line)
   foreach($i in [int[]][char[]]$line)
      if ($i -gt 127)
         if ($oldi -ne 63)
            $i = 63
         { continue }
      $converted = $converted + [char]$i
      $oldi = $i

   return $converted

if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ifile) )
   Write-Host "Usage: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File", `
               $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name, "infile [outfile]"

# Create a $ofile if one was not given
if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ofile) )
   $ofile = ([io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension("$ifile")) + `
            (get-date -format yyyymmdd) + `

ConvertFile $ifile $ofile
"$($count) characters were converted"


  • Instead of sending output to console, which then would need to be redirected to a file, this script reads the input and output filenames. If an outputfilename is not provided, it will create one based on that of the inputfile.
  • Corrected the issue of splitting the processed lines before saving them.
  • Gives usage message if no parameters are given
  • Outputfile is overwritten without questioning.
  • Only output to the stdout is the number of conversions

I am bored, let's run it

$ utf2ascii.ps1 infile outfile
35 characters were converted


Note that it now wrote the converted character count message to the screen as promised. How about the number of lines?

$ cat outfile | wc -l


Much better! Now all we need to do is decide if we want to keep the "?" or make some conversion table, which I will leave the decision up to you.