During a particularly sunny day, you are told are three users to whom you must grant all the same rights that root has. How can you do that?
Well, first thing you need to figure out is what is meant by having all the same rights that root has:
- Those 3 users can control every aspect of RT.
- Those users can control every aspect of certain queues.
They are a bit different and you might want to have that cleared up; you should make sure you will deliver what your manager wants even when the said manager is not exactly sure. This will require lots of tact/diplomacy but will avoid a lot of headaches later. Since I do not know the right answer, let's then talk about how accomplish both:
- Those 3 users can control every aspect of RT.
This is actually the easiest one to accomplish, but also the most dangerous. I do believe on the policy of providing the least rights required to achieve a task when dealing with production environments. And that is why I would ask for some clarification. With that in mind, here are the steps:
- Log into RT as root
- Using the menu on the left, go to Configuration->Global->User Rights. This page is called Modify global user rights and should look a lot like this:Note we have 3 users here: John Root, Robert Root, and Enoch Root. Enoch Root is actually the name of the default root user; don't ask me why that name. If you look at John Root, you will notice under his Current rights is SuperUser with a check mark on its left. You will see the same with Enoch Root. That means both are global admins, or have full control of RT.
If you want to make either of them no longer be global admins, just check the checkmark by SuperUser for the user in question and click on Modify User Rights on the bottom of that page. Now, if you, say, want to make Robert Root as superuser, you would then select SuperUser from his New Rights and click on Modify User Rights.
Those users can control every aspect of certain queues. This is really a special case of the above.
- Using the menu on the left, go to Configuration->Queues and then select the queue in question.
- Now, click on the User Rights link on the menu on the top of the page.
- By now you will notice the page looks just like the Modify user rights shown before, but it applies only for this specific user. The available options are a bit different but I think you can figure out what they all do.
And that is all there is to it. When in doubt, remember you can create a test user to play around with the different rights and options.