Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Customizing the prompt in OSX (or anything running bash)

Quick and dirty article whose only claim to fame is to show another example of treating a Mac running OSX a UNIX box: I have two Mac, an old Mini and a MacBook Air (I think I talked about it before). If you have been reading this blog, you expect me to use the shell a lot in them, and you would be right. One thing that annoys me is the default prompt used in both. The old, slow mini has the most useless one:

bash-3.2$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin15)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Why would I care about knowing at all times which bash version I am running, and even then it is incomplete info (compared to bash --version)? The MacBook Air is just slightly better, showing (in order) the name of the machine, the path, and then the username.

littleguy:~ raub$

It is similar in content to what I would see in my Linux boxes,

but I do not like the order; it does not flow right in my eyes. So I am going to change both to look more like Linux.

First let's see how those prompts are defined in both machines; that is found by looking at the content of the environment variablePS1:

bash-3.2$ echo $PS1
littleguy:~ raub$ echo $PS1
\h:\W \u\$
littleguy:~ raub$

From the official gnu page on controlling the Bash prompt, we know that

  • \h : hostname
  • \s : shell name
  • \u : username
  • \v : shell version
  • \w : current working directory
  • \$ : the generic symbol for users (as opposite to # for root)
Based on the above, what I really want is something like PS1="\u@\h:\w\$ ". So let's try it out without permanently committing to it

bash-3.2$ PS1="\u@\h:\w\$ "

That seems to be exactly what I want. And, since it only exists in memory (i.e. did not commit it), if I did not like it, restarting the shell or opening a new tab in iTerm would brought it back to the original config. So, how do we make it permanent? In the slowmac, we have

raub@slowmac:~$ cat ~/.bash_profile
# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs


export PATH


So we might as well put it in the .bashrc file the lazy way.

cat >> ~/.bashrc << "EOF"
PS1="\u@\h:\w\$ "

Interestingly enough, the MacBook Air does not have a ~/.bash_profile. Maybe the slowmac did not have it either and I added it because I was developing programs in it a while ago. No problem, we can solve the MacBook Air problem by creating a ~/.bash_profile or just appending the proper lines to it, which is done the same was as we did to add the prompt lines to the slowmac's .bashrc:

cat >> ~/.bash_profile << "EOF"

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc

Why do we put the prompt in the .bashrc instead of .bash_profile. You see, while ~/.bash_profile is executed when you login, ~/.bashrc is run whenever you start a new shell. By having our prompt defined in ~/.bashrc and then having ~/.bashrc called by ~/.bash_profile we cover our bases.

I am happy, but if you want to make your prompt fancier with colour and cows (really), I would suggest you to check a few more articles such as

In addition to the gnu page I mentioned above. Incidentally, everything I mentioned above should work with any Linux and UNIX distro using bash

Monday, August 27, 2018

VMWare ESXI Gripes: service-control error message not particularly useful

I posted this at the vmware support forum, whose sophisticated text processing interface decided that it knew better than me and reimagineered my pure html post into a rather flat one. I feel like venting and will do so by posting here what it should have looked like there. Note that right now it is just a bunch of WTF-like questions.

We begin this by stating the ESXi cluster in question uses Windows vcenter server; that is not by my choice. I would rather use the appliance

C:\Users\raub> "C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\bin\service-control" --status --all
 VMWareAfdService VMWareCertificateService VMWareDirectoryService VMwareComponentManager VMwareDNSService VMwareIdentityMgmtService VMwareSTS rhttpproxy vmon vmonapi vmware-cis-config vmware-license vmwareServiceControlAgent
 EsxAgentManager VMWareCAMService VServiceManager content-library mbcs vPostgres vapiEndpoint vimPBSM vmsyslogcollector vmware-autodeploy-waiter vmware-imagebuilder vmware-network-coredump vmware-perfcharts vpxd vpxd-svcs vsan-health vsphere-ui vspherewebclientsvc


C:\Users\raub> "C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\bin\service-control" --start vspherewebclientsvc
Operation not cancellable. Please wait for it to finish...
Performing start operation on service vsphere-client...
Error executing start on service vsphere-client. Details {
    "detail": [
            "id": "install.ciscommon.service.failstart",
            "translatable": "An error occurred while starting service '%(0)s'",
            "localized": "An error occurred while starting service 'vsphere-client'",
            "args": [
    "resolution": null,
    "problemId": null,
    "componentKey": null
Service-control failed. Error: {
    "detail": [
            "id": "install.ciscommon.service.failstart",
            "translatable": "An error occurred while starting service '%(0)s'",
            "localized": "An error occurred while starting service 'vsphere-client'",
            "args": [
    "resolution": null,
    "problemId": null,
    "componentKey": null


I understand that "An error occurred while starting service 'vsphere-client'", but what is it? Maybe the log file is more helpful. claims log dir is
But I can see lots of directories in there but the log one:
C:\Users\raub>dir  "C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\"
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is F020-F58F

 Directory of C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server

05/21/2018  07:36 PM    <DIR>          .
05/21/2018  07:36 PM    <DIR>          ..
05/21/2018  07:11 PM    <DIR>          apachetomcat
05/21/2018  07:15 PM    <DIR>          autodeploy
05/21/2018  07:17 PM    <DIR>          bin
05/21/2018  07:13 PM    <DIR>          cis-license
05/21/2018  07:10 PM    <DIR>          cis_upgrade_runner
05/21/2018  07:13 PM    <DIR>          cm
05/21/2018  07:10 PM    <DIR>          common-jars
05/21/2018  07:10 PM    <DIR>          common-libs
05/21/2018  07:15 PM    <DIR>          content-library
05/21/2018  07:15 PM    <DIR>          eam
05/21/2018  07:36 PM    <DIR>          eula
05/21/2018  07:12 PM    <DIR>          fips
05/21/2018  07:21 PM    <DIR>          firstboot
05/21/2018  07:15 PM    <DIR>          imagebuilder
05/21/2018  07:10 PM    <DIR>          jmemtool
05/21/2018  07:10 PM    <DIR>          jre
05/21/2018  07:12 PM    <DIR>          jre_ext
05/21/2018  07:15 PM    <DIR>          mbcs
05/21/2018  07:13 PM    <DIR>          netdump
05/21/2018  07:10 PM    <DIR>          openSSL
04/09/2018  01:24 PM         7,398,602 open_source_license.txt
05/21/2018  07:16 PM    <DIR>          perfcharts
05/21/2018  07:11 PM    <DIR>          python
05/21/2018  07:16 PM    <DIR>          python-modules
05/21/2018  07:13 PM    <DIR>          rhttpproxy
05/21/2018  07:12 PM    <DIR>          ruby
05/21/2018  07:15 PM    <DIR>          rvc
05/21/2018  07:13 PM    <DIR>          sca
05/21/2018  07:09 PM    <DIR>          TlsReconfigurator
05/21/2018  07:13 PM    <DIR>          vapi
04/09/2018  01:24 PM            25,214 vcs.ico
05/21/2018  07:14 PM    <DIR>          virgo
05/21/2018  07:12 PM    <DIR>          visl-integration
05/21/2018  07:12 PM    <DIR>          vmafdd
05/21/2018  07:12 PM    <DIR>          vmcad
05/21/2018  07:15 PM    <DIR>          vmcamd
05/21/2018  07:12 PM    <DIR>          vmdird
05/21/2018  07:13 PM    <DIR>          vmdns
05/21/2018  07:13 PM    <DIR>          vmon
05/21/2018  07:15 PM    <DIR>          vmsyslogcollector
05/21/2018  07:13 PM    <DIR>          VMware Identity Services
05/21/2018  07:11 PM    <DIR>          vmware-sasl
04/25/2018  01:20 PM    <DIR>          vmware-sps
05/21/2018  07:13 PM    <DIR>          vmware-sso
05/21/2018  07:14 PM    <DIR>          vPostgres
05/21/2018  07:25 PM    <DIR>          vpxd
05/21/2018  07:14 PM    <DIR>          vpxd-svcs
05/21/2018  07:32 PM    <DIR>          vsan-health
05/21/2018  07:34 PM    <DIR>          vsm
05/21/2018  07:16 PM    <DIR>          vsphere-client
05/21/2018  07:17 PM    <DIR>          vsphere-ui
               2 File(s)      7,423,816 bytes
              51 Dir(s)  69,727,727,616 bytes free


C:\Users\raub>dir  "C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\logs"
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is F020-F58F

 Directory of C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server

File Not Found


Where can I find where vcenter thinks the log files are at?

If you want to see how the ticket looks like at vmware, Try to read the version posted at vmware and you will understand why I am frustrated.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Scheduling Time Machine backups from the command line

So I have an old Mac Mini which will just not start a backup to my time machine server. We could go over the reason but that is the subject for another article. The point is running it from the GUI does not work. However, I can go to the terminal window and do

raub@slowmac:~$ tmutil startbackup

all day and it works fine. In fact, I have been doing that manually to have a semblance of a backup:

dalek@strangepork:~$ tmutil latestbackup
/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/strangepork/2018-07-16-234250
dalek@strangepork:~$ tmutil listbackups
/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/strangepork/2018-05-01-130725
/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/strangepork/2018-05-24-032218
/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/strangepork/2018-06-21-001720
/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/strangepork/2018-07-08-201058
/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/strangepork/2018-07-16-234250
/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/strangepork/2018-08-22-131023

But that is a bit of a drag. As you can see I am not manually doing it as often as I should. We need to automate this. Hmmm... recurring job... if this was Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, or AIX, I would use a cronjob. But this is a Mac... running OSX. What should I do? Look for some App?

Wait a minute. OSX is UNIX with some sprinkles on the top. So, let's cron this out!

I am going to start the task off my normal account since I do not have to run startbackup from root. First let's see cronjobs I have right now:

dalek@strangepork:~$ crontab -l

Nothing at all, which is as good place to start as any. Now we need to add the entry. I like to specify the path of the program I am using in case there are old versions. So from

I will be using /usr/bin/tmutil. Now let's edit the crontab, which is done by typing crontab -e. That put me in a vim session (that can be configured); if you do not know it, it is a good time to learn. Here are a few quick pointers:

  • When in doubt, press the escape key a lot.
  • After you press esc a lot, if you want to save your changes and quit, type :wq, but if you do not want to save, type :q!
I do not know how often timemachine usually runs, so I will guess every two hours and will tell my cronjob to start at 15 minutes past the hour every 2 hours. In cron-lese, that looks like this

15  */2  * * *  /usr/bin/tmutil startbackup

After we save it, let's verify that our little work is committed:

dalek@strangepork:~$ crontab -l
15  */2  * * *  /usr/bin/tmutil startbackup

Then, give it a few hours and run tmutil listbackups to see if the backup cron jobs are being run every two hours.