Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Forcing a fuse (sshfs) network fileshare to unmount in OSX

As some of you already know, I do have an old MacBook Air which I use as my main (as in the computer I sit in front of, not the computer I store data on. Laptops can be stolen, you know) machine until I find a new Linux laptop replacement. For this reason I need it to play nice with other machines, and that requires sometimes to mount a fileshare. If the other host is in the same VLAN, that is rather easy because there are ways to mount a Windows (SMB/CIFS) and even a Linux/UNIX (nfs) fileshare without breaking a sweat. But what if the machine is remote? If we can ssh into it, why not then use sshfs?

As we are aware of (since we read the link. There are a few more sshfs examples here), sshfs requires fuse. Since I am using OSX, which at the present time does not have it, I need to install. If you are curious, the one I use is FUSE for MacOS.

Mounting: business as usual

Let's say we are in the machine boris as user pickles trying to mount my home directory off desktop. We create the mountpoint (Let's use /tmp/D or ~/D so it looks more like what we would do in Linux:

boris:Documents pickles$ mkdir /tmp/D; sshfs raub@desktop.in.example.com:. /tmp/D
boris:Documents pickles$ df -h
Filesystem                     Size   Used  Avail Capacity  iused    ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk1                    112Gi   79Gi   33Gi    71% 20783599  8546848   71%   /
devfs                         364Ki  364Ki    0Bi   100%     1259        0  100%   /dev
map -hosts                      0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%        0        0  100%   /net
map auto_home                   0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%        0        0  100%   /home
raub@desktop.in.example.com:.  492Gi  389Gi  102Gi    80%   408428 32359572    1%   /private/tmp/D
boris:Documents pickles$

So far so good. To unmount it we can use diskutil, as in (Mac)

boris:Documents pickles$ diskutil umount /tmp/D
Unmount successful for /tmp/D
boris:Documents pickles$

or (Linux)

fusermount -u /tmp/D

Or go old school (both):

sudo mount /tmp/D

Since boris is a laptop, sometimes if we just let it go to sleep it will unmount it. Then, all we have to do is mount it again.

Mounting again: not so fast

Thing is, sometimes it does not work.

boris:Documents pickles$ mkdir /tmp/D; sshfs raub@desktop.in.example.com:. /tmp/D
mkdir: /tmp/D: File exists
fuse: bad mount point `/tmp/D': Input/output error
boris:Documents pickles$ 

Ok, maybe it did not automagically unmounted while laptop was off. So, let's tell it to do so:

boris:Documents pickles$ diskutil umount /tmp/D
Unmount failed for /tmp/D
boris:Documents pickles$ 

Just before you ask, sudo mount /tmp/D did not work either. What if the old sshfs processes did not cleanly closed and as a result are still lingering? To answer that we must elicit some help from one of grep's cousins, pgrep:

boris:Documents pickles$ pgrep -lf sshfs
384 sshfs raub@desktop.in.example.com:. /tmp/D
1776 sshfs raub@desktop.in.example.com:. /tmp/D
7356 sshfs user@other.in.example.com:. /tmp/D
boris:Documents pickles$

Just as we guessed, there are not only but quite a few unhappy sshfs instances. Let's see if we can kill them:

boris:Documents pickles$ kill 384 1776 7356
boris:Documents pickles$ pgrep -lf sshfs
384 sshfs raub@desktop.in.example.com:. /tmp/D
1776 sshfs raub@desktop.in.example.com:. /tmp/D
boris:Documents pickles$ kill 384
boris:Documents pickles$ pgrep -lf sshfs
384 sshfs raub@desktop.in.example.com:. /tmp/D
1776 sshfs raub@desktop.in.example.com:. /tmp/D
boris:Documents pickles$ kill 1776
boris:Documents pickles$ pgrep -lf sshfs
384 sshfs raub@desktop.in.example.com:. /tmp/D
1776 sshfs raub@desktop.in.example.com:. /tmp/D
boris:Documents pickles$
Hmmm, this is going nowhere slowly. Let's crank up a notch and force it to kill the mount.
boris:Documents pickles$ kill -9 1776
boris:Documents pickles$ pgrep -lf sshfs
384 sshfs raub@desktop.in.example.com:. /tmp/D
boris:Documents pickles$ kill -9 384
boris:Documents pickles$ pgrep -lf sshfs
\boris:Documents pickles$

Sounds like we got them all. Now, let's try and mount once more:

boris:Documents pickles$ mkdir /tmp/D; sshfs raub@desktop.in.example.com:. /tmp/D
mkdir: /tmp/D: File exists
raub@desktop.in.example.com's password:
boris:Documents pickles$

I think we have a winner!

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