Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Creating a git server in docker... with NFS and custom port and ssh key pair

I usually like to start my post describing what we will try to accomplish here, but I think I can't do any better than what the title states. So, let's say if I can come up with a convincing excuse. Well, all I can come up with right now is that I think it is wasteful to create an entire VM to run a distributed version control system. At least one that does not have helpful paperclips with eyes and other features requiring you to download crap. And, it is nice to know if the docker host (or cloud) takes a dump, we can bring this service back rather quickly. For this article we will use git; some other time we can talk about svn.

The git server I will be using is gitolite because it is reasonably simple and quick to manage and get going. What I really like on it is that the accounts for the users using git are not accounts in the host itself, so they cannot login to the machine hosting git. By default the git users login using

Since I am lazy, I will store the repositories in a NFS fileshare that is mounted into the container at runtime. We talked about how to do the mounting in a previous article.


  1. gitolite running off /home/git
  2. We will connect to the git server on port 2022. I chose that because I need port 22 for to ssh into the docker host. Yes, they are in different IPs (in my case completely different VLANs), but I am weird like that.
  3. We will use ssh key pair authentication. And will use a different key than the default one. Note you can authenticate against LDAP, but that would go against what I wrote in the name of this article.
  4. gitolite being run as user git
  5. I am running this on centos6.


  1. I created a CNAME for the docker host,, so it looks pretty.
  2. In the NFS server, create a fileshare owned by the user git, which in this example has uid=1201.
  3. We will need to create a ssh key pair for the gitadmin. I created my pair by doing something like
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -C gitadmin -f ~/.ssh/gitadmin
    You will need to copy ~/.ssh/ into the docker host by whatever means you desire.
  4. I create a directory in the docker host to put all the files ( and Dockerfile) related to this container. Here is the Dockerfile
    # Dockerfile to build a gitolite git container image
    # Based on CentOS
    # Set the base image to CentOS
    FROM centos:centos6
    # File Author / Maintainer
    MAINTAINER Mauricio Tavares ""
    ################## BEGIN INSTALLATION ######################
    # We need epel
    RUN rpm -Uvhi
    arch.rpm && \
        sed -i -e 's/^enabled=1/enabled=0/' /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo
    # We need NFS, openssh, and git
    # And ssmtp (from Epel)
    RUN yum update -y && yum install -y \
            git \
            nfs-utils \
            openssh-server && \
        yum install -y ssmtp --enablerepo=epel
    # Configure NFS
    RUN sed -i -e '/^#Domain/a Domain =' /etc/idmapd.conf
    ##################### INSTALLATION END #####################
    # Create git user
    RUN adduser -m -u 1201 git
    # Configure ssmtp
    # Configure sshd
    RUN sed -i -e 's/^#Port .*$/Port 2022/' \
               -e 's/^#PermitRootLogin .*$/PermitRootLogin no/' \
               /etc/ssh/sshd_config && \
        sed -i -e \
            's@session\s*required\s* optional pam_loginuid.s
    o@g' \
             /etc/pam.d/sshd && \
        ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -N '' -t rsa && \
        ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N '' -t dsa
    # And a mountpoint for repositories
    # Note: can't NFS mount from dockerfile, so will do it in an entrypoint script
    RUN su - git -c 'mkdir repositories'
    # And now the git server
    # Gitolite admin: gitadmin (it is based on the name of the pub key file)
    RUN su - git -c 'mkdir bin' && \
        su - git -c 'git clone git://' && \
        su - git -c 'mkdir -m 0700 .ssh' && \
        su - git -c 'echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAASLDAQCOOKIEQDehf5hxGq9//34yrsL
    7CfSpbiP gitadmin" > .ssh/'
    # The rest will be configured in the entrypoint script
    # Put the entrypoint script somewhere we can find
    COPY /
    ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
    EXPOSE 2022
    # Start service
    CMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]


    1. You will need to put the public key between the double quotes in the line beginning with su - git -c 'echo "ssh-rsa.
    2. I am running a lot of things in the Dockerfile as user git.
    3. The NFS setup was mentioned before, so I will not bother with it right now.
    4. I forgot to add the setup for ssmtp. I will think about that sometime later.
  5. The file looks vaguely like this:
    set -e
    # Mount git's repositories
    mount.nfs4 /home/git/repositories
    su - git -c 'gitolite/install -to $HOME/bin'
    # setup gitolite with yourself as the administrator
    su - git -c 'gitolite setup -pk .ssh/'
    # And we are out of here
    exec "$@"
  6. So far so good? Ok, so let's build the image. I will call it git.
    docker build -t git .
    If the last build message looks like
    Successfully built 6fb1ac15b47a
    chances are the build was successful and you can go to the next step. Otherwise, figure out what went boink.
  7. Now start the service. Remember you need to run in priviledge mode because of NFS. Since this is a test, I am calling the contained test-git.
    docker run --privileged=true -d -P -p 3306:3306 --name test-git git

Setup and Testing

  1. Let's start testing by seeing what repositories we can see as an admin:
    $ /usr/bin/ssh -i /home/raub/.ssh/gitadmin info
    hello gitadmin, this is git@docker running gitolite3 v3.6.2-12-g1c61d57 on git 1.7.1
     R W    gitolite-admin
     R W    testing
    FYI, testing is a repo everyone allowed to use the git server can play with. Think of it as a, as its name implies, test repo. Since that worked we can proceed to the next step.
  2. Now we should edit your .ssh/config file to access the gitadmin repository.
    cat >> ~/.ssh/config << EOF
    Host gitadmin
            User            git
            Port            2022
            identityfile    /home/raub/.ssh/gitadmin
            protocol        2
            compression     yes
    Yes, you can ask about what to do if you have a script that needs to pull stuff out of a repo, and I will tell you to wait for the next installment. This article deals with getting it to work.
  3. Retrieving the admin repository is now much easier. So, instead of having to do something like
    git clone ssh://[port]/gitolite-admin
    which would also require us to feed the key (or rename it as the default which IMHO is a bad idea), thanks to the previous step we can now lazily do
    git clone gituser:/gitolite-admin
  4. Repository config file is in gitolite-admin/conf/gitolite.conf
  5. Adding a new user (and perhaps a repository)
    1. Get user's ssh public key, say How did the user created the ssh key pair? Don't know, don't care.
    2. Copy to gitolite-admin/keydir. NOTE:file must be named after username user will use to connect to the git server; it does not need to have anything to do with the user's normal/real username.
    3. Create a repository for the user. Let's give it a nice and snuggly name, like somethingawful
      cat >> conf/gitolite.conf << EOF
      repo somethingawful
          RW      = raub
    4. Commit changes
      git add conf keydir
      git commit -m 'Added new user and config a repo'
      git push origin master
  6. Now, let's pretend we are the user (i.e. what the user should do/see). Which repos can you/user see? If this looks like a step we did before, it is. Just using a new user.
    $ ssh -i /home/raub/.ssh/raub info 
    hello raub, this is git@docker running gitolite3 v3.6.2-12-g1c61d57 on git 1.7.1
     R W    somethingawful
     R W    testing
    There is somethingswful!
  7. Let's grab somethingawful
    $ git clone gituser:/somethingawful
    Cloning into 'somethingawful'...
    warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
    Checking connectivity... done.
  8. Edit, commit, and off you go

I will put all those guys in my github account later on. And shall sneakly update this post afterwards.

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